Retreat & Meditation Centers in Cambodia
For information on Khmer Buddhist Temples
Website: www.khmerbuddhist.org
Khmerbuddhist.org is a Web site in English, Khmer and French, with a directory of Khmer monasteries around the world, including Cambodia.
Founded in 1988, the Khmer-Buddhist Educational Assistance Project (KEAP) is devoted to Buddhist renewal through education following the near-destruction of Buddhism in the 1970s. A Cambodian-managed non-profit charitable organization located in Siemreap, Kingdom of Cambodia, it solicits support from the world-wide Buddhist and inter-religious community.
Khmer-Buddhist Educational Assistance Project (KEAP)
PO Box 42 Siemreap
Kingdom of Cambodia
Contact: Nou Seng Nara
Contact information in USA:
Peter Gyallay-Pap
Khmer-Buddhist Educational Assistance Project (KEAP)
PO Box 657
Crestone, CO 81131
Tel. / Fax: 719 256-4306 (USA)
Website: www.keap.org
Temples in Cambodia
As very few monks speak English in Cambodia - the best places to go are:
As very few monks speak English in Cambodia - the best places to go are:
:: Wat Samrong-Andeet
Khum Phnom Penh Thmey
Srok Reusseykeo
Phnom Penh, Cambodge.
Tel/Fax: +855 23 - 368 223
:: Wat Koh
Monivong Blvd.
Phnom Penh
It is in the centre of Phnom Penh, near all the hotels, so it is not hard to find. As well as having English speaking monks, its courtyard is used as an English Conversation Practise area by students from all over the city.
:: Wat Sompoumeois
Sangkat bung bralit Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh
This is also in central Phnom Penh, and easy to find.
:: Dhamma Kamboja (Cambodia Vipassana Centre)
Next to Kompong Ko Buddhist Temple
P.O. Box 867
Dist. Koh Thom, Kandol Province
Phnom Penh
Tel. / Fax: +855 23 - 265 94
:: Dhamma Ankura (Vipassana Centre)
Near Kep in Kampot Province, Cambodia.
Contact: Dhamma Kamboja
:: Dhamma Samudda (Vipassana Centre)
Kandieng District
Pursat Province
Contact: Dhamma Kamboja
Meditation System: The S.N.Goenka tradition.
Meditation System: This is a ten day retreat in which meditators begin by undertaking the Five Precepts of moral conduct as the basis for their practice. The technique begins by focusing on the natural breath at the nostril. Once sufficient concentration is established, they proceed to the technique of vipassana. That is, they explore their mental and physical nature by moving attention systematically throughout the body, dispassionately observing the physical sensations that occur.
Intensive silent retreats are open to the general public. The usual course format is ten days. There is no charge for the teaching. Donations are accepted from participants only to cover room, board and other operating expenses.